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Re: The gift of a wired president to a wired race


Give a bunch or a zillion thanks for posting this article. It was very well written and it makes points that I agree with wholeheartedly. The author, Dr. Kweli Nzito lives in Florida and so s/he knows full well the fallacies of this electoral system and/or process in the United Snakes! I had hope that as I read on that Dr. Nzito would address how Rastas or InI have faired under the Shrub's administration and what's to come in the next years. For example, the issue of immigration is one area that our communities need to address. I had the opportunity to visit Krome Detention center a few years ago where a loved one was being held. At the time, an Ethipian man was also being detained for drug charges. He had served his time and he was waiting to be deported. That's because immigrants (even naturalized ones) cannot commit certain crimes without facing the possibility of being deported even after serving their time and paying their debts to US society. The other issue is quality of social life. InI are not allowed to live out our livity we are restricted in our movements in certain spheres. For instance, the business community is requiring more formal attire which means casual fridays are almost absolete and dreads and cultural attire is not welcomed at these jobs. This is a standards that is being adopted by all jobs including non-business ones and it was already difficult for InI to carry out a normal life in babywrong. These new restrictions and the economic downturn the ravages and cut backs in social services is forcing the marginalized into serious poverty, social alienation and so forth. What I mean is that on the one hand those of us already on the margins are thrown off the map completely, and we are becoming the very scorned subjects that society has stereotyped us as:HOMELESS! Furthermore, this new position or situation puts us in positions of being victimized even more by powerful "Others" neo-colonialists in dreads and black skin.

The new war on terror is a war on our lifestyle or livity. I had heard that in some parts of South Florida the powerful "Others" had put up signs warning that marijuana would be completely unavailable because the imports were not going to pass through homeland FU and Me's security on the waters.

Where are we to go and what are we to do? I had begun a thread about the issue of Exodus and why InI should be thinking about it now before the inauguration in January. The new Supreme court will work to take away all civil rights including the right of free expression and free speech that we now enjoy.

In sum, Dr. Nzito seemed shy about addressing those issues I hope that it is not because he did not want to ALIENATE Baldheads in Babywrong's shitstem! My experience with those dreads with those Doctorate is that they have to make their compromises and they often choose to hide behind post modern rhetoric to show their intellect and the fact that they are well read and stay informed but they are non threatening to the establishment and not effective for our trod at least not to me.

Also, Dr. Nzito made no mention of how the issue of polarization is relevant to our communities. As rastas we know about ethnocentrism. There is a hierarchy of ethnicities, gender, class, color and race within the trod and we have to dismantle it if we are to move forward. Otherwise, Shashamane or anywhere else on the continent of Alkebulan aka Africa will be battle ground just like Liberia and to some extent Siera Leone have been.

I wish that Dr.Nzito would hold or sponsor a forum for InI Rastas to dialogue and discuss the issues that s/he raised in the article it would be a great moment for InI in Florida and Elsewhere who wish to keep trodding and forwarding on.

Thanks again Ayinde.

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