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Re: so what ?

Greeting with many oceans of blessing Sellassei, I have just read your post and I am very pleased, that you are trying show these brothers and sisters, that each of us have various stages of life to go through. As I have said before, in the early days of the RASTAFARI MOVEMANT, most of the founders, did not have locks upon their heads, but they had African inside of their system, and so they advocated Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad. Joseph Hibert with whom I spent some time as a student, did not have any locks upon his head, and his head was almost bald, since it was trimmed very low, but that did not stop him from holding the fort, of Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad. The same goes for brother Dunckley, brother Hinds, brother lover, Brother Buckley, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Patrice Lumumba and so many more great African liberators, who have built all of the social and cultural, collective community bridges, upon which we all are standing today.
Now I have eaten fish, meat, even pork and various kinds of flesh, when I was growing up in my parents house, that is before I was enlightened, that it is better not to eat flesh, so therefore, I am not in a position to condemn others, just because I am now a vegetarian, I must leave people alone, and give them a chance to come to that realization, that it is better not to eat flesh, because I do not eat flesh and others eat flesh, does not mean that the creator is going to give I fresh air, sunlight,and other necessities of life, and do not give people who eat flesh any, that is not how the creator operate, we are all royal son and daughters of this great universe, and each of us have a mission, and our mission is ordered by this great universe, so those who have to eat meat, will just have to eat meat, and those who have to be vegetarians will be vegetarions, but things goes two ways, some times that same person who is a vegetarian today, tommorrow becomes a fleshitarian, as a result of circumstances beyond their control, and some times, the same person, who is a fleshitarian today, becomes a vegetarian tommorrow, therefore it is quite out of order, for anyone to be slandering another as it relates to what they eat. Let us work towards a United States of African people everywhere. Let us not sow seeds of disunity, instead let us sow seeds of unity.
It is now being said that His MAJESTY is a meat eater, I do not know since I have never met him personlly, although I would like to, since I do have several questions for HIM, but let me ask the collective this question, How are we going to get along with our African brothers and sisters in Mama Africa, considering that the majority of Africans eat meat and flesh in general? Are we going to walk around and see who is eating flesh and put their names on the internet? Where would we find space on the internet since so many of our people eat flesh? What are we after anyway, is it to put down those people who eat flesh as un-holy, and put up those who do not eat flesh as holy? It is all just vanity and mischief making, for the wise people dies, like wise the fools, the holy people die like wise the un-holy, and the vegetarians die, like wise the fleshitarians, so what is all the great gain, in pointing out people who eat flesh, internationally on this internet?
I do think that we all as African people, must come to the realization, that each of us have our own in born temperament, and we are basically different, that is why each of us finger print is different, as well as our DNA. We must help each other to get a long, for no man is an ISLAND BY HIMSELF, we all depend on each other for survival.
Do not go around trying to watch what your brothers and sisters are eating, and then go tell it on the mountain, let us work for unity, and build great bridges of communication and African solidarity. Africa for Africans those at home and those abroad.
Again I wish you many oceans of blessings
Ras Marcus.

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Re: so what ?
Re: so what ?
Give thanks! *NM*

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