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Rastafari Speaks

facebook post - I’m not bothered about being poor *LINK*

i read this the other day:

i found this on Facebook through Rastafari Speaks, an noticed this part of the article -

"I don’t call them dreadlocks but people started calling them dreadlocks in relation to the Jamaican Rastafarians. I want to tell people that Africans in the past would either leave their hair like this or shave it."

This reminded me first of a story i heard about John the Baptist who's spoke about in the scriptures having natural, uncut, uncombed hair, which i'm guessing would've looked a lot like dreadlocks,

makes you think though.. a lot citizens at that time may of been walking around with some form of dreadlocks.

1LOVE, 1HEART Jah Bless all!

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