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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe

Good thoughts.

There is no blackmail, however. It's but the changing times. The church has ALWAYS been a harbor for social and sexual "outcasts" from the communities. And clergy has ALWAYS engaged with men, women and children just like any other organization, be it Scouts or Court Pages or other public officials. Its just that now, victims are coming forward instead of keeping secrets.

Remember, only recently have women and children NOT been considered the evil causes and temptors of such "holy men". It has been just 17 years since the OJ situation that there would be mandatory arrests in domestic violence incidences. A woman could show up at the door with a fat lip and black eye and the police would ask if she wanted the husband arrested...and of course she would say no if he was her financial support.

There is no blackmail. The Church in particular is just an archaic remnant of the Piscean age that is no longer protected by media. Not too long ago, NO official or writer or investigator would dare implicate the church in any manner. The anti-catholic card carried a lot of weight until recently. You could say that Vatican II was the turning point that made the church more susceptible to criticism as it became more "liberalized".

This is how impactful Catholicism was upon sports for example. Ohio State legendary coach Woody Hayes would not schedule Notre Dame because when and if OSU would beat Notre Dame by a big margin, Hayes and the University had to worry about offending catholics.

Point is, the church, CIA, Trilateral, Bilderburg, (all the usual suspects) and other groups and factions are but wings of common ground.

The purpose is to tie the world by common thread. It proceeded very quickly with the internet and has crescendo-ed with twitter, facebook and other social networks.

EVERYTHING that happens is by design as is leading towards that finality.

Its not just the contrived Middle Eastern islamic "spontaneous revolts" that are occurring. The Michael Jackson elimination, the Obama election, The Million Man March and the LA Rodney King Hollywood Riots Show are a few that come to mind.

You couldn't have another "evil" bush/cheney regime doing the dirty work this time because the area is Afrika. So you put a blackman on the throne and placate and pacify otherwise overwhelming protest.

I live in a black community. So I am not detached from reality on the situation. The common reaction amongst folk is that Obama is doing the Lord's will. And that mindset is easy to accept especially when it deals with non-xtians and associates with terrorism.

The Obama era is carte-blanche for excuses and justification of American aggression in Afrika. Libya is only the beginning. There will be reasons to deal with pirates soon enough.

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The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan peace *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *LINK*
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *NM* *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *NM* *LINK*

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