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Rastafari Speaks

Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *LINK*

thought 1 - pope john paul ii made similar sermons about the wars in afghanistan and iraq.

thought 2 - a resurrected crusade against islam - are you sure the vatican doesn't have some role in it even if it's public representative makes a speech about peace?

thought 3 - the u.s. has long taken the baton of western imperialism and does the dirty work for a lot of these so-called progressive countries in europe to maintain themselves. the neo-cons were right when they said that the u.s. astronomical military budget ensures the ability for europe to maintain it's social democracy experiments - europe like the u.s. needs the iron fist of brute imperialism and resource grab to maintain it's high standard of living - imported oil, raw materials for tech, etc

thought 4 - how does the child rape scandal possibly blackmail the vatican into a pliant institution in the face of policies which would seem opposite it's public stance on issues of war?

thought 5 - what is the history of the vatican's involvement with the cia - who is the tail, who is the dog and whom is wagging whom? things to keep in mind - the bcci scandal. the p2 lodge. the death of pope john paul the 1st(33 days into his reign) operation gladio.

Messages In This Thread

The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan peace *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *LINK*
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *NM* *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *NM* *LINK*

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