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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

The great Genetrix/Ursine Baboon *LINK*


I believe I've found the terrestrial equivalent of the celestial Great Bear. The first teller of time in the African pantheon. The celestial mother and her father-less son. Isn't Massey wonderful.

"Chacmas usually live in social groups composed of multiple adult males, adult females, and their offspring. Occasionally, however, very small groups form that include only a single adult male and several adult females.[5] Chacma troops are characterized by a dominance hierarchy. Female ranking within the troop is inherited through the mother and remains quite fixed, while male ranking is tenuous and changes often. Chacmas are unusual among baboons in that neither males nor females form strong relationships with members of the same sex. Instead, the strongest social bonds are often between unrelated adult males and females. Infanticide is also common compared to other baboons species, as newly dominant males will often attempt to kill young baboons sired by the previously dominant male.[6] Baboon troops possess a complex group behavior and communicate by means of body attitudes, facial expressions, sounds/calls and touch."

"The Chacma Baboon is omnivorous with a preference for fruits, while also eating insects, seeds and smaller vertebrate animals. The Chacma Baboon is generally a scavenger when it comes to game meat and rarely engages in hunting large animals. There has been one incident where a Chacma Baboon has killed an infant, however the event is so rare the locals believed it was due to witchcraft.[7] Normally, a Chacma Baboon will not approach humans and/or have much interest in them. This has been changing due to the number of tourists who feed baboons, thereby teaching them that humans are a source of food.[8]"

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