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Re: The ANKH:The Afrikan Origins of Electromagniti

I have some extra time,great!Dont get me wrong Selassielive,I really enjoy reading the information you posts.It is interesting and expands my mental mind in regard to history and spiritual philosophy.In short,these levels,as far as what I have learnt, are merging and becomming unconditional love, first and formost.Powers like this cannot be attained without a great deal of love.Love is comprised of integrity.To integrate such desires must be done through a purity of heart.The word Riteousness actually comes from the break up of Right use-ness.It is not enough to claim that as within so without.Yes,a great truth in theory,but to say that there must be a way to implement this in a technological fasion(scientifically)because the ideal exists in consciousness does not therefore mean that it should or must be revealled in the form of a practice or specific set of mechanics(physical,ect,crystals or whatever technology)does it?.I know of specific practices to raise the physical vibration of ones own body to be in alignment with the mind,spirit,heart so energy can be transformed from a higher vibration to a lower vibration but none of these techniques are flambouyant.I only have a desire to ground the 'energy'of love(which is my true self)and be passionate about what I do in my daily life.I was told by someone who can do all that you ask about(so called'super human'stuff,ive seen it),that it is best to enlighten,become the higher self(unconditional love)then these other things can be done afterwards.Garner the strength and utilize the 'instrument'of your heart(where the higher I lives and has never known fear)and learn to manefest and have power over the 'smaller'things in your life first maybe.Are you truly happy,do you really love yourself.To every great scientific acheivement(and I mean the big ones)there is a parellel of spiritual consciousness evolvement and awareness.Look at our present technology and see how some of it has not been put to right use.Some has,some hasnt.Some of the most dangerous and destructive technology is at present not being used in a way yet(and Jah forbid)that would cause mass destruction because of people like you who by your desire for peace,justice,equality,love of self- transfered to others create an energy,a vibration that holds things together.Jah work!I know you may say that we are the 'good guys'but given how little we know about ourselves do you really think that we even KNOW the ramifications,consequences,the divine order of creation and responsabilities enough to have such power?I cant speak for u,but I have challenges not getting a little upset why driving my car,or getting upset when others dont want to just hear what I have to say!Would u give such power to someone like that?I wouldnt,but when I love myself enough I will be in alignment with the higher powers that be.Im not trying to quash your passion,I dont know where you are at.Its just have the perception that maybe you are a little in your head trying to figure it all out.When your woman(or a)says she loves you ,do you need to figure it all out?You know what I mean?Everything does not have to be dissected.Yes?She loves you because she feels it.You love her bcause you feel it.Im sure theres reason for why,but does it really matter?Spirit being manefested is a little like that to me.You might figure out things to do with her,things she likes,you like.Should I go to this restaurant with her,that social occassionect.but these are all things within your grasp.Mostly when your totally in love with them it allmost does'nt matter what either of u do,and thats when you sometimes make discoveries of 'new'things to do(new inventions).I know there are holes in my examples here and logic,but really,thats my point.Spirit is about deepening ones feeling,meaning(not definition from the head first)it is about merging with what often cannot be explained.Im only telling u of the path that I have learnt,there are other paths.If you want to be more psychic-LOVE YOURSELF MORE by loving the god feeling,the God of YOU more!How can I alter my physical vibration?-love yourself more.LOVE the glue that holds the universe together-that which holds the LIMESTONE together.The more the desire for growth in any feild(inventiveness)the more simple the philosophy needs to be.What you are asking is beyond explanation as far as I have learnt.Beyond all of it.God must be known more deeply before what technological,human knowledge we have can b put to use.I can give u some practices that I have learnt if u want.What do you want such powers for?If you cant grasp the power(beyond your understanding/intellect)then how can u know its right use?What am I wanting to acheive for my soul,my growth?Have you asked thsse questions first?I say/ask all this in a spirit of discussion and good will.I actually get more emotional personal growth from the overall spirit of a discussion most of the time than the actual subject matter.What u seem to b asking about(these kind of manefestations)are not my passions but I find them intereseting for my mind so am very interested in what u think.Love and praises,bless....

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