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Re: Racism in Russia Murdering Africans

Back when Guyana was "socialist" (it's still supposedly "socialist" or whatever, but in my opinion Burnham etc.'s hypocritical show of "socialism" was a little more convincing than Jagdeo etc.'s totally hilarious joke in still calling themselves "socialist")... anyway back in those times there were a lot of Guyanese students, mainly of either dark skin African or dark skin Indian extraction, who went to study in East Germany, Soviet Union, etc. [Many Guyanese still go to study in Cuba as they have some good courses to study and they don't charge you a fee, although Black people and Rastas are discriminated against and ganja is illegal (just like in Guyana).]
Some of the students brought home East German wives (and husbands I assume, but is mostly the wives I know bout). Thus resulting in people with names like Gehrhardt Ramsaroop ( a ole friend of mine from way back.)
I wonder what sort of experiences dem people went through in dem times?
I personally don't feel comfortable in majority white areas, gimme at least 40-50% Black population and I can stand it better.
Places like Turtle Island where it got nuff of we who been deh from long time and don't have much feasible means of getting forward home to Africa real soon... to me, in this time, in those places, we should stay there for a minute and fight and make sure we set the groundwork for tearing the systems of those places down (not referring to "terrorism" I talkin bout killin de system mentality), before we go home, or as we go home, because if the system mentality isn't destroyed it will infect everywhere worse than bird flu, no matter where you go.
But there ain't no reason for African students to go to these cold nasty places any more, where you don't have a community there to back you up. Hopefully when these students return they will dissuade others from going.
If "Blood and Honor" only had "several hundred" members then it would be easy enough to kill them all, and then it would be no worries.
"Blood and Honor" got a lot more members than that worldwide, whether they admit to membership or not.

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Re: Racism in Russia Murdering Africans
students of africa: Why are you here, Mr. Nigger?
Re: students of africa: Why are you here, Mr. Nigg

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