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Human Progress

Human Progress

"Respect good, and be heirs of good work."

"Happiness shared with many creates a source of permanent affection and understanding, but private happiness is a temporary matter."

"Mans contributions which influence the lives and progress posterity, are the most permanent monuments that can ever be erected."

"A country and a people that become self- sufficient by the development of agriculture can look forward with confidence toward the future.

To preserve the heritage of ones honor and culture is praiseworthy but to exaggerate this may prove detrimental."

The wholehearted acceptance of the demands imposed by ever-higher standards is the basis of all human progress.

"To develop oneself, one has to develop ones own initiative and perseverance--- one has to strive in order to grow."

"Wise men have always known the deep and pervading truth, that it is better to give than to receive. For even as it conflicts with selfish and ambitious desires, it moderates and controls them. Giving always demands sacrifice. To overcome the temptation of mere daily comfort and to press resolutely and patiently forward on the scheduled way are true tests of the high degree of determination that should bind you together."

"Laziness is the sole breeder of sin, poverty, and discontent"

"The very diversity of the worlds peoples today constitutes one of mankind's great resources; the different philosophies with which nations approach their problems lead inevitably to a vast array of methods and techniques. These variations are necessary, for each people must find solutions which are responsive to its particular needs... each nation will inevitably pursue that course which appears best suited to its own unique characteristics, but no nation can pursue its course in isolation, and no nation can develop and prosper with its back turned to the rest of the world in terms of trade, techniques, resources and ideas. Each of us depends on the other, can learn from the other, and in pursuing it's own destiny will go further and succeed more quickly with others, Indeed, the free exchange of support and ideas is an essential condition to world understanding and equally to world progress."

"It is both the responsibility of the governor as well as elders to create harmony among the people in initiating them to discuss their common problems and work toward the betterment of their standard of living."

"No greater victory can be won by the nations of today than the conquest of the apocalyptic enemies that still ride mankind-- poverty, disease, and ignorance."

"Independence means more than the granting of national flags and anthems, and without real and effective freedom in economic and political spheres. Liberty becomes a mere catch-phrase devoid of content."

"It is only natural for a man to strive for a better life, to wish to educate his children while he himself was uneducated, to desire to shelter and clothe them, while he himself was naked and scourged by the elements, to strive to spare them from the cruel diseases by which he himself was ravaged. But when these ends are realized at the expense of others at the cost of their degradation and poverty, these desires, which are not intrinsically immoral or pernicious in themselves, must be frustrated and the means by which these otherwise legitimate ends are sought to be attained must be scorned and shunned."

"Not until the direction and determination of mans fate is firmly within his own grasp can he devote the totality of hi strength to his own good."

"Let us vow to be strong today only that we may in our strength advance the time when it will be possible to beat our swords into plowshares and when nation will not make war upon nation Let us pledge together that this time will not be long. Let us work for trust among men, for disarmament and for peace.

"This is the ultimatum presented to us: secure the conditions whereby men will entrust their security to a larger entity, or risk annihilation: persuade men that their salvation rests in the subordination of national and local interests to the interests of humanity, or endanger mans future. These are the objectives, yesterday unattainable, today essential, which we must labor to achieve."

"Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to the Almighty God who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in him, that he will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which he created in his image. We must look into ourselves, into the depths of our soul We must become something we have never been, and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been, more courageous, greater inspirit, larger in outlook We must become members of a new race, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations, but to our fellow men within the human community."

"Because peace cannot reign in an atmosphere reeking with poverty and hunger, we must explore and strengthen the means of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and enlightening the illiterate,"

If humanity is led to a better observance of covenants-- that are meant for orderly conduct of life-- and if the progress of science is applied solely for human welfare, the increase of population would have become not a burden, but a matter of gratification."

Justice is the fundamental axiom for the survival of freedom and government."

"Just as a farm that is not taken care of cannot be free of weeds, so also is the development of a society."

"If the wealth of a person cannot be for the general welfare, what would he gain for himself but grudge and hatred?"

'The fruit of ones sweat and mental labor are always rewarding, not only to oneself, but also to ones succeeding generations."

"Develop a healthy pursuit of life and do not limit your efforts to satisfying your selfish desires."

"Do not fall prey to idleness, for it shall be a curse to you and to succeeding generations. You must set yourselves up as examples of determination and hard work. Plan your time and use both your physical and mental powers purposefully and productively."

'The ultimate resource of a nation is its people. Unless this resource is employed for the benefit of the nation, unless the latent good which it represents is exploited to the maximum extent for the common good, the nation will languish, poor in spirit, lacking in achievement. But no nation can make their full contribution to the life of the nation of which they owe their allegiance unless they possess and enjoy those few fundamental prerequisites indispensable to rendering their participation in the affairs of the country both possible and significant."

"The growth of a people is complex and interrelated. Man must be educated: he cannot come to grips with or cope with or understand the modern world unless he has been taught about it. He must be assured of a minimum economic security: he cannot concern himself with matters going beyond day to day satisfaction of his physical needs unless he is fed and clothed and sheltered, nor can he acquire a sufficient degree of social consciousness to be able to subordinate his own personal interests to the good of the nation and the development of its society. Freedom, liberty, the rights of man-- these mean little to the ignorant, the ill-clothed, the badly housed."

"Unless man becomes independent in his knowledge and capacity, what help he gets from others is little, but if he is self-dependent, he may be able to extend help to others."

"Humanity by nature is gifted to think freely, but in order that his free thought should lead him to the goal of liberty and independence, his way of thinking must be shaped by the process of education. It is understood that the independence of the mind created individually will have as a result an independently minded nation."

"A habit once formed becomes an incurable second nature, therefore utilize your wealth for worthwhile things and avoid employing it for harmful purposes and monetary pleasures."

"To make our wills obedient to good influences and to avoid evil, is to show the greatest wisdom. In order to follow this aim, one must be guided by religion. Progress without religion is just like a life surrounded by unknown perils and can be compared to a body without a soul."

"With the raising of all men to their rightful dignity and honor as individuals. they will be able to regard their fellows, of whatever nation, of whatever race, of whatever religious, linguistic or historic tradition, as equals, without jealousy, without fear, without undue pride."

"Just as a man without means to feed his hunger and to cloth his nakedness can take no pride in his existence as a human being, so also is one who is reviled and discriminated against because of his race or religion, robbed of his self-respect and human dignity."

"Let us take pride in the fact that as free men, we attack and abhor racial discrimination on principle, where ever it is found and in what ever guise."

~ Girmawi Qedamawi Haile Selassie

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Africa without Africans? Ahhhh...
Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhhh...
Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhhh...
Population growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Ahhhh... *LINK*
Re: Population growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Ahhhh *LINK*
Re: Population growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Ahhhh
Human Progress
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Re: Human Progress
Re: Human Progress
Re: Human Progress
Re: Human Progress
Re: Human Progress
Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhhh...

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