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Re: 'Rastafari is not matriarchial?

peace and hotep,

masimba musodza, if egypt is a colony of ethiopia, there are not reasons for you to make disparaging remarks like

' I am speaking Rastafari things here. You must be one of those Egyptianists again.'.

remarks like those do not serve you justice.

saying things like "I stillmaintain that it is the male line that perpertuates the Rastafari line. My son will be Rastafarian, his son will be too. The son of my daughter will be whatever my daughter's husband will be, unless the child is the product of an illegiteimate union, in which case the child becomes mine. This is consistent with mainstream Zimbabwean culture." when you say mainstream, don't you mean contemporary.

masimba musodza,

" the patriarchal principle would rule the whole life of the indo-europeans, from the greeks and romans(even before both) to the napoleonic code, to our day. this is why woman's participation in public life would arrive later in european than in negro societies. if the opposite seems true today in certain parts of black africa, it can be attributed to islamic influence "

and also " the matriarchal system is the base of the social organization in egypt and throughout black africa. in contrast, there has never been any proof of the existence of a paleo-mediterranean matriarchy, supposedly 'white'. .....

the end of the aegean epoch was marked by the rejection of negro matriarchy(medusa?), though the indo-europeans had been influenced by it to some extent. since matriarchy is a basic trait of negro agricultural civilization, it would be absurd to expect it to regulate succession in a GOVERNMENT CREATED BY 'whites'.......

many african moslems alter their geneaLOGICal tree, adding branches back to mohammed........

matriarchy must not be confused with the reign of the african amazons or that of the gorgans(medusas). those legendary regimes in which woman allegedly dominated man were characterized by a technique intended to debase the male.......

the matriarchal system proper is characterized by the collaboration and harmonious flowering of both sexes, and by a certain preeminence of woman in society, due to economic conditions, but not accepted and even defended by man...........the african origin of civilization, MYTH-OR-REALITY by cheikh anta diop."

masimba musodza,

"things improve withe the 13th century, a period of abyssinian(ethiopian) literary renaissance. many books are translated from GREEK AND ARABIC, bearing mostly on the history of chistianity and moral themes. but now the contemporary life of this inland country begins to be written down. the legends of the past are also put into new and memorable guise, most notably withe the kebra nagast or glory of kings, a 14th century panorama of 'history' in which the ethiopian kings are traced back to moses , and the claim is made that the ethiopians possess the true ark of the covenant together withe the tables of the law that moses brought down from the mountain after his interview withe god........african civilization revisited .......and..

when early peoples were in the 'hunting and gathering' stage , it was argued, fathers took the lead because theirs was the crucial economic activity; but the introduction of agriculture restored authority to mothers because it was women who weeded and hoed.......the african genius by basil davidson."

masimba musodza, perhaps your patriarchal view are part in why you say

"My father possess a large tract of land. Up to now, it has not been utilised, again because he was not running it on sound business principles. My mother has come in to possession of it, and called upon me to help. I have insisted that she will not see a cent of mine until she is ready to run it like a proper business. And she could become a very rich woman if she did" .....masimba musodza.....your mother knows you better than we.

masimba musodza, listen please.

" the excessive and disproportionate pressure on the black male by the global 'white' supremacy system produces a grave imbalance betrween the black male and the black female, even though both are vitimized by 'white' supremacy. this imbalance has produced what come incorrectly call 'the black matriarchy'(by ones like masimba musodza). however, this is not black matriarchy, but 'white' genetic survival necessity and its fear of the potential for genetic annihilaton that the black male represents.

this conscious and unconscious struggle for 'white' genetic survival by the global 'white' collective necessitates certain basic and specific relationship patterns between 'whites' and black males and 'whites' and black females in all areas of life activity(including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war).

an appropriate analogy is found in the game of chess. the 'white' king, the companion 'white' queen and all of the other 'white' pieces on the chess board must move in CERTAIN SPECIFIC PATTERNS against the black king, the black queen and all of the other black pieces IF THE 'WHITE' KING IS TO CHECKMATE THE BLACK KING. that is, of course, the main objective of the game of chess. and in the game of chess, white always makes the opening(1st move)aggressive move.

the black king and the black queen must move in tactical and strategic harmony withe one another if they are to counter the 'white' assault successfull and defend their side of the chess board effectively, this harmony is particularly crucial if they are to checkmate the 'white' king.

if someone withe no in-depth knowledge about the game of chess sits down at the chess board to play the black sid of the board while an expert in the game of chess sits down on the 'white' side of the board, the player on the black side of the board surely will lose the game. he or she will ce checkmated repeatedly. the player on the black side simply does not understand the game.

if, however, that same person, who repeatedly has lost all previous games, takes it upon himself/herself to sit down and master the game of chess(and then to master playing on the black side of the board), through contiuous hard work and study, he/she will have an excellent chance of being victorious. withe consistent and continuous study, he/she can become and expert, establishing a pattern of continuous wins and successes......and

it is much easier for 'white' supremacy to control female-headed households......and

stabilized union between the black male and the black female means the eventual end to 'white' supremacy.......and

.....if we understood 'white' supremacy, the number one priority for each black male and black female would NOT be to reach out for one another withe designs of dependency, love , lust or marriage. instead, we would seek to master specific patterns of perception, logic, thought, speech, action and emotional response that would counter the 'white' supremacy dynamic scientifically. we would coify such behaviors and practice them day and night. we would become single-minded in our activity, knowing that unless global and local 'white' supremacy is attacked continuosly and effectively, the black male/black female relationship has no chance of surviving......the isis papers, the keys to the colors-dr francis cress welsing"

masimba musodza, properly CHECK on your MATE

and remarks like "Do you have anything on the Queen of Sheba in your Payprii? No, that is not sarcasm,I really want to know. "

are sarcastic and beneath you. every ancient papyri is respectful of femininity. all writing on ancient papyri would date much earlier than any recent plagiarized records or version of a 'queen of sheba'

remarks like those seem 'white'.....


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