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Re: The Fourth of July (You Lie) for the Negro

Iziz! One!

Give thanks for posting this great speech by Frederick Douglas. I really appreciated his life's work and the struggles that he fought. I understand his feelings a great deal. As a Nyabinghi Rasta woman living in Miami, I fear for my safety and that of my loved ones in these times. Attorney General John Aschcroft was here telling the big cops to watch out for an eventual attack. This is probably uncoroborated and just to make white folks and their negro security guards and other house "keepers" meaner. Is it me and Howard Dean but have you folks noticed how mean spirited cops and security guards at our local stores have become? These folks are on a course to commit murder. They are told to abuse or loose their jobs. And of course they are happy to go along and get rid of niggers and folks like InI.

I realize that there are some Rastas who will deny this persecution in Babywrong at this time. They don't want to complain for fear that the downpressor will feel victorious but that is how they win. They silence the pain and they conquer. We are under attack and so are the Muslims who are visible in our society.

I applaud Frederick Douglas for speaking out against slavery and downpression during those times. He was brave, I feel silenced downpressed by all sides. White, Brown, Red and mixed folks and especially black folks don't wanna hear it right now. Not from the likes of me. I can't believe that the so-called misleaders have not come out and done community speak outs about the destruction that this current administration has been responsible for. Where are they and why has Oprah not come out with a show about the probles that Muslims and look alikes face post the selection and 9/11. Michael Moore's documentary should have given many of them the impetus but they have not responded.

In my humble opinion, they want the anti christ devil to win again. They enjoy the power that they have gained by destroying hope and freedom. The few shall lead the many is their aim and motto and they will get there by any means necessary. What are we doing? Sitting around figuring out who is more authentic. I really appreciated the way that PJ Patterson and CARICOM and the OAS stood up for Aristide a democratically eleced president of the most populated black nation in the Caribbean-that's right Ayiti. We have the largest number of black non-mixed race folks in that archepelego and it took a dark skin man from yard to help us during times of crisis. At great cost to himself and his administration. I wanna ask where are the conscious Rastas of that region to help us in our daily life to live up and stand up. They harass us everywhere in this babywrong and no one says a thing.

For those of you with the dough or the means to fight the klan and who are not well I say fire burn! They like to flaunt their wealth and power and prowess but for the benefit of the devil. Douglas was also right in his speech to cite the Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand quote from the bible. For had not HIM and HER said no to feudalism the traficking of slaves would have kept on especially the transatlantic slave trade. We know that there was a great deal to gain and the profit margins benefitted all white and near whites the most.

I wish that I had the courage and bravery of Frederick Douglas but my daddy was not white and I am not a man. Furthermore, I have not nor will I ever marry a white man or woman. He had all three of these things and that helped him a great deal There were talented reggae rasta artists in Jamaica before and after Bob Marley but they will never attain his heights in the music world. White folks and their relatives will only buy from their progeny. When will we do the same?

I wish that I could post some of his majesty's speeches and the entire 500+ pages from his autobiography. I will someday when I have time to scan them or copy them. Wish that someone would post the Rasta bible too that's freeing up the knowledge for all of InI.


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