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The post is quite long but the questions required pretty long answers.

First of all, I want to clear up a little all the “madness” about Socialism.

Since the 19th century there have always been two different kinds of Socialism: 1. A reformist Socialism; 2. A maximalist Socialism (= Communism).

Nowadays the word Socialism is usually related to the so-called Third Way, if you know what I’m talking about, and the Welfare States system.
The reformer function of Socialism and its re-foundation as the main instrument in order to redistribute wealth equally and give life to a new process of development in harmony with man's dignity and inspired by solidarity, is really the path to go by.

Regarding Communism instead, Marx wrote: “In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labour, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labour, has vanished; after labour has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-round development of the individual, and all the springs of cooperative wealth flow more abundantly -- only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”

“Correct me if I am wrong but as you are both a follower of Christ and of pro-left view...”

Yes, you’re right. I follow just the teachings and the example of Jesus Christ and I’m pro-left.

“Do you believe that Christ was a socialist in his works in anyway? I know there are many Left christians who do believe that Christ was a socialist in works and thought.”

You ask if I believe that Christ was a socialist. I guess he can be considered so. It’s not an anti-historical statement, obviously we all know that socialist theories began to spread all over Europe during the 19th century. But if you look at the essence of Socialism and its values (brotherhood, social justice, solidarity, equality), then Christ can surely be considered a socialist. He was, so to say, the first socialist. You always have to keep in mind that Jesus was one of the greatest “revolutionaries” (of love) that history can remember. The first Christians in the 1st century A.C. were considered subversives by the Roman establishment and indeed they were. They refused to swear loyalty to the Emperor and this led to the accuse of the “crimen maiestatis” (high treason) whose consequence was the death penalty. They opposed the Empire. They were persecuted (as Christ foresaw).

“What are your thoughts on Marx and his perspective on nature?”

I do think K. Marx was a great philosopher and scientist. Most of the time I agree with lots of his economical analyses but I always consider that he wrote 150 years ago. Certain things aren’t valid anymore, certain things have changed, some other are more actual now than ever for sure. Some things Marx foresaw didn’t occur because of Marx himself: thank to his theories the working class started to become conscious and organize itself into a party in order to stand up for its rights, and all that eased in a way the extremely negative consequences that unrestrained capitalism would have led to. All the achievements the workers have gained were possible thank to the socialist struggles.
As to his perspective on nature, I partially agree with what he said for sure. We don’t have to forget Marx was also a philosopher. In reading philosophers, I try to make mine what good and positive the author has to tell me. His views on nature can surely be debatable (I’m the first person to criticize certain positions of his), but his thoughts on the capitalist dynamic as well as economy are normally backed up scientifically and this makes Marx the one of the greatest writer on the matter.

“What are your thoughts on the socialist movement with Ethiopia during the overthrow of Selassie?”

Honestly, I don’t know much about what Menghistu actually did after overthrowing Hailé Selassié I government. Thus I don’t think I can judge yet.

“What are your thoughts on Fidel as both a leader and a man?”

I think Fidel has been a good man & leader even though he committed several mistakes. You know, "Che" Guevara represented and represents the symbol of purity and coherence ideologically and morally speaking. El Che was an eternal revolutionary, his values and philanthropic ideals remained intact throughout all his life till the end, in 1967, when killed in Bolivia.
I know it’s been hard for Fidel to face the yankee economic blockades and the fall of the Communist countries of Eastern Europe (which had tremendous consequences on the Cuban economy); but I think Fidel has always tried to operate in the best way possible in order to increase Cubans’ wealth, thing that’s been very difficult with the U.S. doing everything to make Cuba fall in the meanwhile. Fidel didn’t handle the whole thing successfully considering the premises, even if I think his intentions were pure, at least in the beginning. He’s still a person I admire though.

“What are your thoughts on the idea that the left are the march of the godless?”

That’s really quite false. I think right-wing is just godless for real. Look at so-called right-wing values (= the rat race for example); there’s nothing more “un-biblical” and “un-religious” to me.

I want to quote Lenin on this point you asked. He said in 1905: “The state must not concern itself with religion; religious societies must not be bound to the state. Everyone must be FREE to profess WHATEVER religion he likes, or to profess no religion, i.e., to be an atheist, as every Socialist usually is.”

That was written more than 95 years ago! You also have to consider the reactionary and conservative attitude that the Church was having at that time (and generally that has been having during all the 20th century on certain issues).
Things have changed. The faith in God is a private affair. A leftist or a socialist doesn’t necessarily have to be an atheist at all or a believer. It’s up to the individual. Politics and religion are two separate things. Too much times religion was used as an instrument to certain greedy persons’ own ends and to manipulate people’s conscience.

“Do you see any communism in the Bible? and if so where and what?”

Look at what Jesus says in the Gospels! Look at the Communism of the earliest Christians and the way they lived!

Peace out.

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