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The year 2001 was a gret year for Black History around the world, particularly in Sudan, where Ta-Seti, the pre-Nubian civilization or the Mother of Nubian and Egyptian civilization was excavated (started in 2000). There, hundreds of amazing artefacts some dating back as early as 10,000 years ago were found, including fine glass and pottery items. One of the largest ancient observertories were also found in Nubia dating back to about 8000 years B.c.


During the Middle of this month, the Olmec Civilization of Mexico was excavated again after being studied for over one hundred years. Among the findings was and ancient calendar and dates going back to exactly 3113 years Before Christ. That date, according to Sitchin ( see www.ancientamerica.com ), is the date that Africans from the Nubia-Egypt region led by Thoth (the Egyptian God of Knowledge (thought) visited Mexico.

The book "A History of the African-Olmecs," is a complete history of the Olmecs as well as a number of ancient Black African cultures. They include the ancient Olmecs of Mexico who are known as the Xi (Shee), the Washetaw of Louisiana who once owned large areas of the Louisiana Territories (before 1805), the Afro-darienite "Indians," of Panama, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia who are not suffering from the most brutal racism and poverty, the Chuarras of Brazil, the Black Californians of California, the Black Jamassee who had a kingdom in what is today northern Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama.

There are also the Black Guanini or people related to the Black Caribs, who were in the Caribbean before Columbus and who were targeted to be enslaved by the Portugese and Spanish, long before 1492.

The book, "A History of the African-Olmecs: Black Civilizations of America from Pre-Historic Times to the Present Era," discusses all of these pre-columbian Black cultures and introduces information that will boggle the minds of many. For example, the Black Washetaw of Louisiana were master shipbuilders and seafarers in ancient times. They built a number of pyramids in the Southern and Midwestern U.S., traded in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea as well as the Pacific. They also sailed to nations along the coast of Africa, where some of their people originated.


The book presents a complete picture of Olmec architecture, life, warfare practices, trade and other important aspects of Olmec life. The connetion between the Black Olmecs whose origins are among the Mandinka of West Africa is thoroughly discussed. Connections such as language, the ancient Mende alphabet an its use in ancient Mexico and the migrations of Shamans from the Shango religions to Mexico is well written and presented. In fact, one sees the connection between the religious practices of the Shango religion of the Yoruba and Shango practices in Cuba, Trinidad and Brazil with the ancient recognition of the Thunder God and the use of the hand axe as a prop in such practices both in Olmec Mexico and among priests of Shango in West Africa.


Another facinating connection between the Olmecs and West Africans is in the area of star charting and the study of the planets Venus. In Africa, the Ono, Bambara and Dogon are expert astronomers. The Bambara and Ono, who once built large boats to traverse the lake filled Sahara, studied the Venus planet, while the Dogon studied and still study the Sirus system.

In Olmec Mexico, the Venus complex was also studied by the Olmecs. Historians describe Olmec priests as being a short, Negroid people who arrived at Monte Alban between 700's B.C. to 600's B.C. They were said to be slightly deformed (as far as their posture). If one looks at a picture of an ancient Oni or Priest-King from Nigeria, one will clearly see what the historians are talking about. In fact, one will recognize that the Oni is holding religious objects identical to a large stone carving with Negroid features found in Columbia representing the San Agustin culture ( go to http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire )

The book, A History of the African-Olmecs is one of the most detailed, well researched and well written books on the Black Olmecs of Mexico and their connections to Africa, China and the Mayas of Mexico. In fact, some historians have pointed out that not only was there a migration of Blacks from Africa to Mexico about 3113 B.C., but there was also a migration of Black members of the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasties of ancient China after the Chou, the first predominantly Mongoloid people to rule China overthrew the Shang (see bibliography in the book, "A History of the African Olmecs." Furthermore, the names "Xi" (Shee) and "Xhia" (Shia) sounds similar, the only question is why would a civilization in China and one from Africa have such similar names.

A History of the African-Olmecs presents all the findings in regards to this question, including what Chinese scholars, Black scholars and writers such as Ivan Van Sertima, Runoko Rashidi and others have presented. The African connection to prehistoric China and Mexico and the writings of cient Nubians, Egyptians, Black Dalits of India, Elamites, and Kushite Mesopotamians clarifies this question. It happens that about six thousand years ago...a great migration of people called the "Bak" began in what is today Cameroon. They migrated in all directions including moving into Mesopotamia, Iran, Iraq, India and China. Infact, they were not the first Africans to migrate from Central Africa, but among the last. The first may have left for Asia, Europe, the South Pacific, the Americas and the rest of Africa about 100,000 years ago.

The culture of the Olmecs included pyramid building, however what many people don't know is that pyramid building also occurred in West Africa and remains exist along the Niger River in the Kukia region especially near Lake Debo, where ancient Kings were buried in tombs similar to that of ancient Egypt, but with pyramids built of hardened mud-brick.

Pyramids of similar type were also built in Olmec Mexico. China has some very ancient pyramids (about 5000 to 4000 B.c.), that have been in this part of China long before the rise of the Mongols and their migrations into all of China. There is some information on these pyramids and there is also information on the ancient Black Shang and Xhia Dynasties of China, whose descendants moved into Indo China and the Pacific Isles over the pst three thousand years and soon after a number of wars between the northern Mongoloids and the Blacks begin to occur.

The ancient Olmecs were found to speak the Mende language. Mende like many African languages are tonal languages similar to Chinese. In fact, when one looks at mende languages, one sees the origins of the Chinese and Japanese languages, just as one sees the origins of Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic when one looks at the Ethiopian language of Iraqwu, the most ancient living example and mother of all Semitic languages (semitic properly known as Afro-Asian languages).

Clyde A. Winters was able to decipher Olmec writings from monumnets in Mexico by using the Mandinka script, one identical to the ancient Olmec script. When the alphabet was deciphered, the language found to be the mother tongue of the Olmecs was a Mende language. Based on that discovery, many great pieces of information have been brought to the forefront. The book, "A History of the African Olmecs," published by 1stbooks Library, 2959 Vernal Pike, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 U.S.A 19812 1(800) 839-8640 or 1(812) 339-8640 email; 1stbooks@1stbooks.com www.1stbooks.com The Olmecs were Blac Africans, they spoke a Mende dialect, they had a religion similar to Shango, they joined with Blacks from China's Xhia Dynasty during the 1000;s B.C., they incorporated the religion of the Nigerian Shamans who worshipped Shango and recognized the Venus Complex in their religions and they (the Olmecs) migrated to the north and south of Central America.

Olmec civilization and culture existed up to the time that the Maya civilization began to rise in Meso-America. In fact works of art found in Mexico show carvings of Black Olmecs with distinct African features worked into many Maya stone and lapidiary carvings and works. The Olmecs may have partially mixed into the Mongoloid "Indian" populations, yet it is also very possible that a mongoloid and Black Negroid populatio from China arrived in Mexico and blended with a Black West African population to bring about the Maya Indians. That possibility has already been discussed by some historians and writers, who find some Lacandon Maya of Central America to have Negroid features as well as the sicle cell trait.

Many of the Black Olmecs also migrated to the Southwestern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley, where a Black culture called the Washetaw Moundbuilders also existed. Evidence of Olmec influence in South America is also available.

Recently, evidence of an ancient civilization dating back to about 10,000 years and their city was discovered off the coast of India, a nation that has had significant Black culture since prehistoric times and where people of the Black African Kushitic linguistic group exist in the amount of about five hundred million (Black Untouchables and Black Tribals see "Sudrology" http://dalitstan.org ). The new discoveries about the Black Olmec civilization of Mexico and that of offshore India as well as the discoveries in Sudan, points to an extensive area of civilization before the Great Flood. The book "A History of the African-Olmecs brings all these great mystries to light.

In retrospect, the book "A History of the African-Olmecs presents the facts concerning the connections between the Olmecs of Mexico and Black civilizations of Africa and Ancient China. The level of excitement and satisfaction reached upon reading this great and well-researched book is beyond compare. This is a facinating work and everyone should have a copy on their coffee table whether it is Black History Month in America, Europe or Africa, or whether its an ordinary day.

For those who always had a suspicion that Africans were in the Americas before Columbus, before slavery and before the colonial period, the proof is finally here, including references and documentation.

P.B. Nubiyang



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