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Re: What do blacks not want as white rasta objecti

Greetings again... I hope everyone has had a good day. After more thinking and reading through responses I have this to offer to the kettle:

First, I think much earlier on in the thread there was a post by Wendy who had mentioned that she just didn't trust whites - and she gave an example of some at her workplace. In response to that, it still just boils down to Good over evil everytime because if I were in the same room with Wendy and some racist co-workers (or whatever their evil intention may be) I too would not trust them. I would tell them to go to hell.

I understand where this mistrust is coming from, but what I want many people to know is that I do not want to be treated unkindly, disrespected, stereotyped, a victim of racISM, for something my neighbor may have done. Many white people have been feeling tremendous guilt and getting the heat for things they NEVER HAD DONE nor ever would concieve of doing. Does this make any sense? I'm not saying 'oh, feel guilty for the poor white person once again' but eventually, soon come, the line just has to be drawn deep and permanently in the sand - clearly showing that ANY form of RaceIZM towards ANY person will not be tolerated. Should a white person question the intentions of ALL blacks as a response to the great evil Idi Amin had committed. Likewise, should a white person question the intention of ALL white persons in response to the evil Hitler has committed. Should I&I question all muslims in response to Bin Laden? (He had a good and valid gripe list but hate and violence is not the way) This should not be so. All should feel confortable in their own skin as long as they are truly righteous and their deeds are reflecting that righteousness. Love, wisdom and overstanding is the way of Rastafari.

I&I are all inflicted with mental slavery of many forms, and it is all inextricably tied together. The ripple effect. I&I are scattered across the world, and been victims of many similar evils - but none should fail to recognize that the deepest wound is in Africa. It will take all of us to heal that wound together. Where can whites play there part concerning Africa and is it possible if we don't have the 'black mind'? Yes, there are so many ways and means to this beautiful end (or beginning)...

Repatriation/Reparations is what we hear about most... a major step necessary for peace on earth. Whites can and have been doing much to help this struggle. Whites can educate others about the movement and JUSTIFY it - especially to those who slant against it. Even though this is spiritual in nature, it is also unavoidably political. We have to get at the heart, minds and souls of the CONSTITUENTS out dere that are the major players influencing interest groups, decision makers, etc.

When the bad politician with no conscience is facing re-election - one of his prime worries should be that of reparations. Do his constituents back reparations... or are they against it? This should be a determining factor of whethor or not he/she gets back into office. It's I&I job to make sure all are for it! As well as freeing political prisoners, etc... of all colors. The list is a long one, we all know the score, so won't repeat it. (at least here)

Really... when exactly is it appropriate to start questioning a rasta because he/she is white? I'd say the only time this is appropriate and the only time it could stand on any moral ground is a situation where one may be working on a project specifically concerning Africa and her peoples. Development... etc... things of that nature are very very valid in my opinion. Agricultural, economical issues and so on. Many could respond and say Rastafari is specifically concerned with Africa... but what I'm talking about are specifics. Yes, question all MNC's (Multi National Companies) entering Africa... question all missionary groups (no more blood spilling and brainwashing!)question all institutions such as the World Band and the IMF... question illegal weapon sales (especially Russian in nature) question the diamond traders, question the politicians, question foriegn mediators entering into treaty negotiations and questons legislators/legislation concerning herb. Question white Zimbabweans. Question everything, but don't question a human being who has christ/Rasta in his/her eyes, words, heart and above all, actions. (not talking about missionarys and conquest types - this is now evident - especially to Rasta who's minds are supposedly FREED).

If any religion prevents someone from being kind to another human being it's evil not holy. It's no longer religion, it's 'devil philosophy.' And along those lines, I don't see, hear or feel Rastafari as a religion. Rasta IS Jah. Rastafari is a movement of Jah People. Das all.

I guess one of my biggest worries for Rastafari as a whole is that it may dig it's own pit and lie in it as many who have trod before us. Take the Arab/Israeli conflict for example. Many Jewish survived the terrors of the Holocaust only to move on and perpetuate evil against Arabs. Does this make any sense? I just cannot fathom escaping such horror committed against 'I' for being different, only to spread it on to another group of people because they TOO are different. Ignorance and evil often go hand in hand. Fighting and escaping Human Rights Crimes with your left hand while committing them on your right hand. woi! Pretty twisted if you ask I. LOVE doesn't act that way and the foundation of Rastafari is love. It's that love that makes us move - in tune. It's the love that's going to help I&I achieve One Aim, One Destiny......................... and a HUMUNGOUS chunk of that LOVE has to be directed towards Africa by all.

Bob Marley once said 'Rasta is not a culture, it's a reality'

I think it's both - but more than anything I think Rastafari IS Jah.

The internet was initially created for military purposes and was a little white 'private party' to begin with (who could give a shit less about you or I)... but look at it now... Jah is always in charge. Jah makes everything good. That will never change.

(just to be clear... was not in anyway saying Rastafari to begin with was a black 'private party' but I hope you can see the innocent comparison I was trying to make)

Woah, I apologize for the length of this post... it is running away with me. I hope I have not offended anyone in any way. I just have one last thing to say... it is a question actually that focuses on forward positive movement and change:

Have there been or are there any commissions, conventions, gatherings, etc... setup for rastafarians of all races, backgrounds and locations to come together and really confront these issues and questions (stumbling blocks that must be removed) face to face in order to move on and work for a happier africa and world? I am ignorant of any that may possibly be out there allready. If anyone could inform me, that would be greatly appreciated. And if there aren't any, or many - maybe that's another thing I&I can start communicating about and working on.

Thanks for bearing with this long post, respect and love, Heather

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What do blacks not want as white rasta objectives?
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Re: What do blacks not want as white rasta objecti
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Re: What do blacks not want as white rasta objecti
Re: What do blacks not want as white rasta objecti
Re: What do blacks not want as white rasta objecti
A final comment on the "White Rastas" issue
Re: A final comment on the "White Rastas" issue

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