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Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago

Ites, I ahgree with you that the man that the enslavers worship, the blonde guy who is suppossed to wait in the sky for the slaves to come, and will accept them when they do their best for their enslavers, this is not the Savior.
But to deny that Yesus Kristos was on the face of the earth, is to deny history.
There is more written about Yesus Kristos by His contemporaries then there is written about Julius Ceasar. It is not a point for people who have actually studied this, if Yesus was ever walking on earth.

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jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: Yashuah always lived man!
Re: Yashuah always lived man!
Re: Yashuah always lived man!
Matthew 16:24 *NM*
Re: Matthew 16:24
Yes I, I Man Have The Interview Mt 16:24 *NM*
Re: Matthew 16:24
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago
Re: jesus, geezus Never Live 2000 Years Ago

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