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Re: Highlights of Eritrean History
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The story shows clearly that Eritria is a product of Colonialism/Imperialism.During the seventies, arms ware smuggled through Kuwait; in order to foster the secession of Eritria.The entity can only exist as a destabilising force on the continent.The terms used to describe ourselves are inaccurate and outright White Supremicist. Instead of using the word Semetic use Aethiopic. All Alphabetical system in the ancient world with the probable exception of China is from the Aethiopic GEEZ.Thus the alphbet of ancient Egyptian,Chaldean,Hebrew,Arabic and Syraic are but dialects of Kush.The Greek,Urdu,Hindi,Pharsi and other languages from the Indian(Aethiopian) Sub-continent that influence the central Asian languages are all derived from Geez. The most ancient form of the language was spoken on the continent and not in the peninsula of Kush/Eden(now called Arab after the Aribi family)

These writers with their racist Babylonian Brainwashment and propoganda are always propagating some cock eyed convuluted view of our culture,history,race and civilization.The words semetic,Aryan and even Caucasian are misnomers as far as what they cannote.They are always imposing the view through their documentation that while being on all fours, trapped in caves and shedding their hue;due to the cold climate and lack of light; somehow under those unfavorable conditions devoloped a superior civilization,culture and language.And after the Ice Age was able to swoop down from the North; bringing all these goodies and refinments of civilazation. But "O WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE, WHEN WE FIRST TRY TO DECIEVE". The problem is there are never any artifacts found in these caves to support the on going fraud being perpetrated. So Ham,Shem,Yahfet and their father Noah are all AEthiopians; speaking the Kushetic language. It is interesting to note; while the Aethiopians wrote in the language; the Egyptians, Aethiopia's first pickney only spoke it. The exception were the rulers and the priesthood because their roots are in the South.Pianky of the Twentyfifth Dynasty was from MIRU(Aetiopia) in the South. His General GANGES conquered Indiah and as you can see the sacred river is named after him. What we can discern; is that there was a constant crossing of the Red Sea into Kush/Eden and foward again into the Continent.Therefore, what we see is a two way migration caused by military campaigns or desertification. After the flood, Ham was the first king of Aethiopia with MIRU as the capital KUSH occupied the EDEN peninsula streatching as far as Indiah. The flood was caused by the melting of the ice due to the end of the Ice Age.Climate conditions changed based on the
aforesaid phenomenon the increase in population and overgrazing; caused the desert to spread.

Abramah came from UR in the CHALDEES.There was a food shortage. They had to migrate.Abramah had to shed some old practices such as human sacrifice because these things were outlawed in Egypt.He also saw that the material objects he worshiped could and did not put food on the table.The CHAlDEANS are Aethiopic coming from NIMROD; builder of the tower of babel and the first Babylon with the hanging gardens.This was how the irrigation system of the Fertile Crescent developed and where Hamarabee the lawgiver originated. Thus we can see; the confusion at Babel was not due to different languages but different dialects. It becomes obvious that due to technological and other cultural expansion; the language needed to be standardized.One can safely conclude that these dialects are the direct ancestors of the so called Nortern Semetic languages(Aethiopic). One can all so conclude that ABRAMAH came out of an Aethiopian nation and migrated to another Aethiopian nation(Egypt) and was promised Aethiopian Land(KAANAN).It should be noted that Joseph was sold into slavery at Basra(Kuwait);the same region from where Abramah had migrated The CHALDEANS recorded the geneology of the Aethiopic peoples; which we have inherited in the BIBLE or TORAH. Also some of the names and artifacts found in NIMROD'S SUMER and ELAM resemble or are identical to those found in the ancient NOK CULTURE(two thousand years old) of NIGERIA and present day IFE and IBADAN ie:the art work and the term NANA for ruler.

We can also conlude that the Aethiopic peoples leaving the Eden Peninsula and migrating into the Continent were basically the same people and the same blood root.These people with a Hebraic tradition established many kingdoms and empires all over the Aethiopian Continent;including the great Timbuctoo of Mali's fame.These states were usually trading powers. Cleopatra sent her newborn son, a progeny of Julius Ceaser South into Miru, Aethiopia for safe keeping by that royal house.The HIMYARDS of the Eden peninsula merged with MIRU to form AXUM.The HIMYARDS were the preeminent power on the Indian Ocean from time ememorial and were mentioned in Chinese administrations as Aethiopia up to the iwah of Marco Polo.Based on my overstanding of the Aethiopian story; JUDITH and the ZAGWEH are descendant of MOSES.THE ZAGWEH also participated in the invasion of SPAIN under the name MOORS as they were called by the inhabitants.The book "Golden Age of the Moor" edited by Ivan Van Sertima has the story and geneology of the MOORS who invaded Spain; migrating from the Eden peninsula. On page sixty four, there is an Aethiopian standard bearer, holding the flag of the Almorivid. The symbol on the flag is the SEAL OF SOLOMON.The year is twelve fifty.

One must ask; given the aforementioned information, why the confusion? The answer is; after the Ice Age, a barbarian people called the Turanians lived beside the Aethiopic peoples.As they adopted our language,culture and became civilized; ie: the practice of circumcision which they learned from us and was done for reasons of health; they became known to the world as Syrians and Assyrians. The Assyrians are a mixture of the Aethiopic Chaldeans and Syrians.They locksed their hair and beard.Due to conquest and intermarraige; the lebanese,Palestinians,Judeans and the people of the Eden peninsula became Syrianized. With the rise and spread of Islam these Syrianized people adapted the Arab language; which was similar to Syriac; these people were called by the idiom they spoke which was Arabic. Thus we have a Syrianized people speaking Arabic. Add to this the invasions and rape by the Greeks,Romans,Medes and Persians,Mongols Turks,French and Brutish have added tremendoulsly to their discoloration.We should also not forget the SLAVE TRADE in WHITES for the HAREMS; including all the SLAVIC peoples captured by the crusaders and sold into SLAVERY on the MEDITERRANEAN,NORTH AFRICA and/or PALISTINE.NASSER and SADAT of egypt, in my view are Aethiopic.SADAT once said that he is the first of the PHAROHS to rule in three thousand years.SADAT's wife's father was a Brutish(UK)army officer.The family scornfully objected to LOU GOSSET playing the role of Sadat in the movie version of his life.One can safely assume that the family would not have objected if the actor was white and Brutish; even if he had to use charcoal and do it in BLACK FACE.In YAARD the people that are called Arab throughout the world are Known as Syrians.Arab chronicles show that whenever Israel or Judah were invaded, the people would flee towards Aethiopia or Egypt and the only time the former was safe is when they were being protected by the latter two nations.Thus we can logically conclude that the lost "Tribes of Israel" are to be found in the Aethiopian Continent. It is said that after some of Judah had returned from the Babylonian Captivity; the enquiery was made by those who had'nt left about the light brown complexion of the returnees.By the time of the Babylonian Talmud; verses showed a disdain for BLACK SKIN.Hence a coverup commenced on their origins or roots.

So, a one can now see the fullness of the origin of the Semetic or Afro-Asiatic languages being Aethiopic and the speakers are black of the ROYAL PURPLE HUE.

N.B. ANDROMEADA MOTHER of the PERSIAN NATION is Aethiopian.She was tied to a rock in what is now Palistine or Ancient Israel.She was to be devoured by the dragon as a sacrifice to save the people.Parsus who is part Greek and Egyptian; saved her and killed the dragon.They had a son by the name of PERSIS.The people from that IWAH onwards were called PERSIAN.Before this episode,the nation was called CEPHANIANS after the name of their KING CEPHUS. The name of the QUEEN was CASSIOPIA. It is interesting to note;that the story of ST. GEORGE and the DRAGON are to be found in both England and Aethiopia. ONE
can assuredly assume from where it was borrowed.
This incident has something to do with the word IO which is one of the Moons of Saturn and is the root word for the word JEW or JUDAH.

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