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Open Letter to the African People of the World

Daughters and Sons of Africa, Comrades in the struggle for Humanity, I greet
you in the names of the Most High God, the Lesser Gods and The Ancestors.
I am motivated to write this letter by the recent decision taken in Sirte,
Libya in September 1999, the last year of the previous century. Year 2000,
the first year of the twenty first century is very auspicious for Africa and
the Africans wherever we may live on our planet earth, and especially so for
Pan Africanists. This year represents 100 years of organised Pan Africanism.
It was the Pan Africanists who set the liberation agenda for the twentieth
century. As we celebrate 100 years of organised Pan Africanism, so Pan
Africanists must set the agenda for finally achieving the Pan Africa
At the extra-ordinary meeting of the Organisation of African Unity held in
Sirte last September, members of the OAU decided to set up a Pan African
Union by year 2001. It must be noted however, that only governments and
government officials are involved in the discussions to formulate this Pan
African Union. The masses of African people are not involved in these
discussions. We do not want a Pan African Union of governments and civil
servants. We want a Pan African Union of the African peoples both on the
continent and off the continent. This will have to mean that the wishes of
the masses of African peoples are carried out. This will be the opposite of
what happened in Nigeria when the Military Bandit Ibrahim Babangida
commissioned a study to find out what kind of state Nigerians wanted to
have. The study found that Nigerians wanted to live in a Democratic,
Socialist Welfare State. Babangida buried the report so that he could carry
on his military banditry and pave the way for the even more Terrible Evil
Military Bandit Sani Abacha.
While warmly welcoming the decision taken at Sirte, we are conscious and
aware that many of the governments which participated in that meeting are
neo-colonial governments. Some of them are conscious agents of imperialism,
following the instructions of United States imperialism, of the
International Monetary Fund, of the World Bank and of the International
Charities which are instruments of new colonialism. They collaborate with
imperialism in ravaging Africa, raping and plundering Africa's God given
natural wealth, oppressing their peoples, reducing them to poverty,
starvation and degradation. Consequently, we must proceed with caution to
ensure that we do not get a Pan African Union where confusion reigns, where
imperialism is still able to rape and plunder Africa's resources while the
masses of our African sisters and brothers and their children continue to
languish in poverty. So, we need a step by step approach to ensure that the
masses of African peoples are involved at all stages of the decision making
process in bringing about this Pan African Union. Once he masses are
involved, the decision making process will be democratic throughout all the
stages. Once the masses have decided, their decisions must be implemented.
African culture must rule Africa
The main question here is "What must be the content of the Pan African
Union?" My answer is this: African culture must rule Africa; Democracy must
be practiced at all levels, from the local, district and regional levels to
the national, continental and Pan African levels; Africa must produce what
it consumes and consume what it produces; and the wealth of Africa must be
used for the benefit of Africans, not for the benefit of Americans, Asians
and Europeans.
In a radio programme broadcast on BBC World Service on 28 February 1997,
Julian Marshall, reporting from Kampala posed the question. "Can African
culture withstand new Western influences?" My response to this question is
that not only can Africa withstand the challenges posed by Western i.e.
European culture, African culture is so strong and powerful that it can
overwhelm European culture in this century. For some people, this poses the
question of "what exactly is African culture?" The essentialities of our
African culture were laid down by our most ancient of ancient ancestors.
They put God at the centre of our culture with the instructions to live in
balance and harmony with God and nature; to practice truth justice and
righteousness; and to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless,
give water to the thirsty and to minister unto the sick. They also left us
the diagram of the law of opposites which encapsulates the African
Scientific Method. This teaches us that everything is changing all the time,
that things change with time, that time changes everything and that things
change into their opposites. Our struggles against slavery and colonialism
are proof of this. Consequently, we can be confident that as conscious
Africans fighting against imperialism under the guise of globalisation its
new neo-colonial manifestation, we will achieve our Pan African objective
and build the advanced technical society that Kwame Nkrumah, voted Man of
the Millennium by Africans, wrote about.
When we examine the economic and social conditions of the masses of our
African people on the continent and all over the world, we find that we are
in want of the basic necessities of life; in want of food, in want of
clothing (I read in a newspaper article last year where three school girls
in South Africa killed themselves because they did not have decent clothes
to wear to school), in want of shelter, in want of health care, in want of
education for the children. In his book African Life and Customs, Edward
Blyden (1832-1912), the father of Pan Africanism and the founder of the
African renaissance told us that prior to the coming of the Europeans,
African society was so organised that no one was in want of the basic
necessities of life. As a consequence of this, there was hardly any crime.
Now that our people are in want of the basic necessities of life, there is a
great deal of crime. The current situation in South Africa and some other
African countries epitomise this.
Proper housing is the right of all African peoples. This is one of our basic
traditions that must be re-established. The health services are failing to
provide minimal health care as adequate funds are not available. Funds that
can be used for this purpose are extracted from the continent in the form of
interest payments for loans that have been used to under develop Africa.
This in a continent where the science of medicine began as shown by our
scholars such as Cheikh Anta Diop. African children are in want of a decent
education. The numbers of our young people going on to university is
declining sine the early days of independence. This is a direct result of
African governments implementing World Bank and IMF policies to cut back
spending on education. Universal free education is the right of every
African child.
For Pan Africanists, universal free education from primary school to
university level is not a privilege. It is the right of every African child.
This is the policy that Man of the Millennium Kwame Nkrumah implemented when
he came to power in Ghana. The United States Central Intelligence Agency
inspired coup against Nkrumah by African traitors must be seen in the
context of USA imperialist policy of extracting the major portion of
Africa's wealth so that very little is left for adequate services such as
education. Development can take place in an educated society. Development
can not take place in a society where the vast majority of its children are
denied a proper education. No nation, no country, no continent can develop
economically, socially, scientifically and culturally if it fails to educate
its children. So it is clear that when the United States of America, Europe
and Japan promote cuts in education spending through their agencies the IMF,
the World Bank and the International Charities, they are promoting African
under development . When the government of any African country makes cuts in
spending on its education service as Jerry Rawlins' government has done in
Ghana, it is promoting under development.
Since Pan Africanism stands for African development, one of the cornerstones
on which the coming Pan African Union must be built is the achievement of
free universal education from primary school to university level for all
African children within the shortest possible time span.
Africa will never have sufficient funds to educate its children if it
continues to export its wealth to the United States of America, to Europe
and to Japan. The crippling loans acquired from the World Bank and the IMF
have not led to development in Africa.
Say No to the World Bank, the IMF and the International Charities
These crippling loans are the main causes of African under development since
debt servicing takes such a high proportion of the wealth created annually.
As a consequence of this, insufficient funds are available for development.
Those like JUBILEE 2000 who are calling for debt cancellation are not really
working in the interests of Africa. At a conference held in Ghana in 1999,
while calling for debt cancellation, JUBILEE 2000 sets the same conditions
on African governments receiving aid in the form of crippling loans as does
the IMF and the World Bank. As the British based Australian journalist John
Pilger has shown, debt relief is just another way of reshaping the world to
the demands of international capitalists, to the demands of imperialism.
African countries must call a moratorium on debt and interest repayments for
a minimum period of 10 years so that enough funds can be accumulated to be
used to lay the infrastructure for development.
The very large numbers of international charities operating on the African
continent today must be expelled since they are active agents of new
colonialism. They are engaged in waging psychological warfare against
African peoples, especially African youths. In Jerry Rawlins Ghana, it seems
that nothing happens without the say so of theses charities. This message is
being pumped out day after day by Ghana TV.. The idea is to make young
Africans believe that they are incapable of doing anything for themselves.
If they have a project they want to develop, then they must go to the
international charities for approval, for help and for finance. How many of
these charities such as Medicines Sans Frontieres, Save the Children Fund,
OXFAM, World Aid, Water Aid. US Aid, the United States Peace Corps operate
in a developing African country like Libya? When we consider that for every
$1.00 given in aid, Europe, America and Japan extracts $8.00 in return, then
we realise that all they are doing is giving back a small portion of the
vast riches they extract from Africa. This is now being used by the
charities etc to keep us poor, subjugated, oppressed and exploited. It seems
that these International charities want to become and are becoming the new
colonial rulers of Africa deciding how best to make Africa serve the
interests of Europe, the United Sates of America and Japan.
Ngugi Wa Thiongo said it and I say it, " AFRICA DOESN'T NEED CHARITY, AFRICA
NEEDS LIBERATION." That is why we must reject JUBILEE 2000.
Jubillee 2000 is spawning a number of bastard children like the JUBILEE 2000
Africa campaign and JUBILEE 2000 Africa Initiative which are going around
recruiting Africans to beg for charity and debt relief, thus diverting them
away from their sacred task of fighting to liberate and unite Africa into
ademocratic, egalitarian, socialist Pan African Union.
Africa must start producing what it consumes and consuming what it produces.
Africa imports manufactured goods it can make itself. Some countries like
Ghana import food they can grow themselves since they have the two basic
ingredients necessary for food production, an abundance of arable land and
water. The question must be posed, who fed the Africans before the coming of
the Europeans. Since we produced enough food to feed ourselves before the
Europeans came, there is no reason why we can not organise our society in
such a way that we can produce more than enough food to feed ourselves.
Neo-colonialism, structural adjustment programmes and charity means that
African countries are organised to import rice from the United States and
Taiwan. Rice production in the United States of America was developed by
former African slaves from West Africa. Having reduced Ghana to the level
where it no longer feeds itself, Jerry Rawlins is given an award for
services to agriculture by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the
United Nations. We know that the United Nations is a tool of US imperialism.
Every year, Africa spends $billions in importing motor vehicles that it can
make itself. By importing motor vehicles, Africa creates employment in
Europe, Japan and the United States of America while millions of Africans
are unemployed at home. Africa also imports a host of manufactured products
it can make itself thereby further enriching Europe, America and Japan while
further impoverishing Africa and the Africans. Following the African
scientific method that teaches us that things change into their opposites,
we must change this situation into its opposite from one where Africa
imports manufactured goods it can produce itself to one where Africa
produces all the manufactured goods that it needs. To achieve this within
the shortest possible time span, the Pan African union must set up a series
of industrial and scientific commissions to prepare and implement a strategy
for industrial production so that motor vehicles and other manufactured
goods can be produced on the continent. Implementation of this development
strategy will lead to an immediate dramatic rise in employment among
Africans on our continent. The colossal sums of money saved can then be used
for education, health, social welfare, art, culture and community
development. All minerals exported must be first processed on the continent.
This will create more employment and the value added can then be used for
the benefit of our people.
With this economic strategy, there must be a ban on the import of foreign
manufactured products. This is justified on the basis of Africa's
underdevelopment and the glaring impoverishment of African peoples as a
consequence of rapacious foreign imperialism. Plans can be worked out where
production centres in different African countries specialise in making
certain products. There can be a competing production centres for different
products. This will ensure a high quality of manufactured products. This is
simple and straight forward. The only people who would disagree are those
who stand to lose the super profits they are extracting from our continent
and their paid agents on the continent. It is here now that Africa must look
at the development of the multi-faceted Pan African Institute of Science and
Technology and the rapid development of military science and technology and
all that this entails.
When the Africans voted Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah the African Man of the
Millennium in a BBC World Service Network Africa poll, they clearly
indicated that they want a Pan African Union based on the political and
economic policies implemented by Kwame Nkrumah, that they want Africa to
return to the egalitarian socialist traditions that Nkrumah wrote about. Any
African leader who is opposed to African socialist egalitarianism is going
against the wishes of the masses and is in opposition to African culture.
That is why it is criminal of those African leaders and governments which
are implementing IMF and World Bank imposed policies of privatisation of
state industries. Everywhere you go on the continent, the masses of people
are opposed to privatisation of state industries.
Yet, the leaders are busy privatising state assets, selling them of cheaply
to foreign capitalists and their local agents. State industries are
efficient at creating employment. These state industries must be modernised
where it is necessary to do so but they must remain labour intensive to deal
with the scourge of unemployment on the continent. The Magazine West Africa
No.4139 of 3-9 March 1997 reported that the Ghanian Minister of Finance
travelled to the World Bank in Washington to seek approval for his budget.
The opposition walked out pf Parliament. One Ghanian, K. Asare living in
London posed the question. "Does this mean that from now oon his budgets
must be sent to Bretton Woods institutions (i.e. the World Bank) for
ratification and approval before they are read to Parliament?" It was indeed
a sad day to see the new Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo going to
Washington to discuss his economic and social policies before implementing
them. That is why he is selling off state industries cheaply against the
wishes of the people.International Relations
In international Relations, Africa must speak with one voice. It can not be
lost on any African Government or the Organisation of African Unity that the
only time Africa spoke with one voice, the policies of United States
imperialism, British Imperialism and the United Nations changed to
accommodate an African demand. This relates to the unjust sanctions imposd
against Libya which Britain and the United States accused of blowing up Pan
Am flight 102 over Lockerbie in Scotland.
For the first time in the history of any criminal investigation anywhere in
the world, the governments of the two anti-African countries announced who
the suspects were. No previous announcement was made by the police or legal
officers investigating this incident. It was clear from the outset that this
was a counter revolutionary political conspiracy against our Arab African
brother and revoultionary Leader Muamar Al Ghadafi; manufactured by the
British and American secret services.
The plan was to isolate Libya and force the revolutionary government to hand
over two of its citizens by the imposition of unjust economic sanctions, to
stage an international show trial and find them guilty as part of a grand
plot to oust Muamar Al Ghadafi. As part of this process, the British and
American governments organised and financed various plots and attempts to
assassinate Ghadafi and to try to ferment unrest in Libya. They failed
because Ghadafi was wise to the.
When the Organisation of African Unity spoke with determination and with one
voice, telling the imperialists to end sanctions or else, Britain and
America moved with haste to prevent the international political debacle that
was staring them in the face. This single episode shows that a united
Africa, speaking with one voice, will become a powerful force for peace,
stability and justice in international relations throughout the world. It is
the threat of a mighty economic, political and military power that forces
Euro-American imperialism to engineer divisions, wars and economic and
social under development in Africa. That is their only hope for continuing
to rape and plunder Africa's vast wealth and oppress and exploit Africans.
As currently constituted, the United Nations is a tool of United States
imperialism serving as an instrument for United States domination of other
peoples and nations. The current Secretary General, Kofi Annan, can best be
described as a United States civil servant. United States imperialism uses
the United Nations to carry out crimes against humanity such as the unjust
sanctions against Iraq. These unjust sanctions have resulted in poverty,
starvation, death and under development in Iraq. Similarly, the illegal,
criminal seventy-nine day bomvardment of Serbia during which they bombed not
military targets but hospitals, roads, bridges, power stations, factories,
water supplies, television and radio stations and the Chinese Embassy. As
Max Hastingsthe Zionist Editor of the London Evening Standard wrote. "Serbia
could not continue to withstand the destruction of its economic and social
African countries must withdraw enbloc from the United Nations and begin to
establish a new international based on justice and egalitarianism, two of
the high principles of African culture. Once Africa does this, the conduct
of international relations will change for ever to the benefit of the vast
majority of peoples and nations throughout the world.
Euroclones like Kofi Anan must not be allowed to push Anerican imperialist
policies on the continent. When Rwanda and Uganda invaded the Democratic
Republic of Congo at the behest of United States imperialism, he did not
call for the unconditional withdrawal of Rwandan and Ugandan military forces
from the DRC. As we shall see, Uganda and Rwanda are fighting a proxy war in
the Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of United States imperialism.
Now, Ugandan and Rwandan troops are fighting each other to determine whether
Yoweri Museveni or Paul Kagami will make a better agent for United States
imperialism in Africa.
In Sierra Leone, it is clear that Amhed Tejan Kabbah, a creation of western
imperialism has lost all credibility and is unfit to be president of that or
any other country. Yet, Kofi Annan, in pursuance of British imperialist
policies, is trying to keep Kabbah in power. Kabbah gave away the vast
diamond wealth of Sierra Leone to Sandline International, a British
mercenary group and supposedly arms trader to restore him to power after he
had been overthrown by his own military. Now we see Nigeria, whose Generals
have boasted on BBC World Service about fighteing counter revolutionary wars
in West Africa, President Obasanjo is continuing along the same path as the
erstwhile military bandits Imbrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha. While looting
Nigeria, oppressing and impoverishing the vast majority of Nigerians, the
military bandits, with the active assistance of the people who still rule
Nigeria today, waged counter revolutionary war in Liberia on behalf of
United States imperialism. Now they are doing the same thing in Sierra Leone
to assist British imperialism in trying to get its hands on the diamonds in
Sierra Leone. The Nigeria tragedy has not ended. What a ccrying shame and a
pity that those who succeeded Murtala Mohamed did not follow his example.
The problems of Sierra leone is not a United nations or international
problem. It is an African problem which must be solved by Africans. Imagine
having British soldiers killing Africans again after our experience of
slavery and colonial domination by Britain. Imagine having Pakistani, Indian
and Bangladeshi troops killing Africans on behalf of Britain acting under
the cover of the United Nations. Every African must demand the immediate
withdrawal of all non-African military forces from Sierra Leone and any
where else they may be on the African Continent. The OAU must convene a
meeting of all parties to the conflict in Sierra Leone. Discussions must
continue until the most suitable solution is found. But no foreign power
must be involved in these discussions either directly or indirectly through
their African proxies.
African countries must also withdraw from organisations lie the British
Commonwealth, no matter what it calls itself these days; and also from the
Francophone commonwealth under whatever name it is called. Britain and
France are united within the European Union, an economic and military Union
which oppresses and exploits Africa and the Africans. A democratic,
egalitarian, socialist Pan African Union, speaking with one voice will be
able to deal with all non-African economic and military alliances from a
position of strength and on an equal basis. The African Parliament advocated
by Pan Africanists is surely the place where discussions must be going on on
a never ending basis to determine who are our friends and our enemies and
with whom Africa should make strategic and tactical alliances.
Yoweri Museveni and the enemies of Pan Africanism
Those misleaders like Yoweri Musevini of Uganda who are preaching
privatisation and liberal market economies are tools of the IMF, the World
Bank and the International Charities. They are going against the wishes of
the masses of African people. They have departed from the egalitarian
socialist traditions of African culture. As such, they are modern black
slavers, the new plantation managers, active agents of imperialism. Museveni
has brought dishonour upon himself by acting as a vassal of United States
imperialism, invading the Democratic Republic of Congo to assist US
imperialism to grab the vast mineral wealth of the Congo. It was Museveni's
invasion of Rwanda at the behest of US imperialism in 1994 which led to so
many African, men, women and children being killed in what appeared to be a
bloody ethnic conflict. His pronouncements have caused outrage throughout
the African world.
At the 7th Pan African Congress held in Uganda in 1994, Museveni described
Africans who are descended from Africans enslaved in the Caribbean and the
Americas as fifth class Africans. He negated the 300 years long struggle
waged against slavery by our African forebears, and he insulted them when he
stated that Africans who became slaves did so because they were stupid. He
rewrote history to suit his US imperialist masters when he told the South
African Parliament (in 1977) that the reason that Africa was colonised was
because it did not have a middle class. So he is busy trying to create a
middle class in Uganda. The ruling class will be his imperialist masters in
Europe, Japan and the USA. It was extremely sad to see Thabo Mbeki, the new
President of South Africa embarking on the same road as Museveni when he
called for the setting up of a black business class in South Africa. This
from a former communist who falsely claims that he has embarked on an
African renaissance. The legendary Pan African organiser George Padmore came
from communism to Pan Africanism. So the masses of our African people were
not expecting Mbeki to embrace capitalism which has caused such havoc on our
continent, they were also expecting him to come from communism to Pan
Africanism.The African renaissance started by Edward Wilmot Blyden seeks to
re-establish African culture and African values in the process of
re-establishing Africa for the Africans . This was the policy of the
Honourable Marcus Garvey who advised us in 1921 that we must become a race
of scientists. We do not see Museveni, Mbeki and others embarking on this
policy of building a race of scientists so that Africa will not be dependant
on anyone for its development of science and technology. Africa for the
Africans is what the Man of the Millennium Kwame Nkrumah fought and died
for. Kwame Nkrumah believed and I believe that we can build an advanced
technical society based on the high principles of African culture. So
African children must be oriented towards the development of science and
technology to serve the new Pan African Union. We must call on Thabo Mbeki
to stop going against the wishes of the African masses. Just as George
Padmore took the road From Communism to Pan Africanism, so we believe that
former communists on the continent must take the road from communism to Pan
Africanism and return to their African culture. Marxism is not African
culture. V. I. Lenin tells us that the three sources and components of
Marxism are German philosophy, French socialism and English political
economy. \\\these are products of European history and culture. We do not
have to look outside African history and culture for our ideology of liberation.
At the World Economic Forum in Brussels in 1977, Museveni invited foreign
capitalists to come to invest in Uganda. He told them that they did not have
to pay their African workers a living wage. This is instructive of the
contempt in which Museveni holds the ordinary African man and woman. He does
not care if his fellow Africans live in poverty or on starvation wages. In
an article in the London Daily Telegraph of Monday 20th March 2000, Alec
Russel referred to Museveni as the Bismark of Africa. But even Otto Van
Bismark who organised the Berlin conference of 1884-85 which divided Africa
between the European powers recognised that ordinary people had to have the
necessary means of sustenance and set up a structure for providing this. But
Bismark was a German patriot. On the other hand, Yoweri Museveni has shown
his true colours in forming a military alliance with the United States of
America, the principal enemy of Pan Africanism. He seeks to hoodwink people
by falsely claiming to be a Pan Africanist with his propagandist Tajudeen
Abdul Raheem promoting him as some kind of 'new breed leader.' It is this
same Tajudeen Abdul Raheem who recently told BBC World Service that the Pan
African Movement created and paid for by Museveni for which he works,
promotes human rights across the continent. This to cover the mass killings
which Museveni's troops supervise in those areas of the Democratic Republic
of Congo occupied by Museveni's army. What happened to human right to live
of these Africans?
The United States of America is built on unbridled chauvinism. It was built
on the cruel and evil enslavement of Africans, on the genocide of the native
Americans and on the naked oppression and exploitation of peoples and
nations world-wide. US society is established so as to keep US born African
men, women and children in poverty and degradation. The US currently has
1,000,000 US born African men and 300,000 women languishing in prisons. Of
all the people in prison in the world, one quarter of them are in prison in
the United States. One quarter of all African men born in the US have been
through the prison system. The homeless, the poor, the mentally ill and the
unemployed are the targets for imprisonment in US society which practices
the opposite to the teachings of African culture, that is to feed the
hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless and give water to the thirsty.
US Society is based on the rule of violence following the principle of might
is right.
So when Museveni forms a military alliance with US imperialism, has the US
training his troops to fight counter revolutionary wars on the continent, we
know that we have a destabilising anti-Pan African force within our midst.
No wonder that after the Sirte decision to set up a Pan African Union,
Museveni told the British press that he was not in favour of continental
African unity, he was in favour of regional groupings. Here, he is echoing
the views of his US imperialist masters. Following a six day tour of Africa
during which she visited Sierra Leone, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya,
Chekoslovak born US Secretary of State Madeline Albright told journalists in
Kenya that 'the way to solve Africa's problems is through regional
groupings.' So now we know who is Museveni's teacher and from where he gets
his weird ideas. In his London London Daily Telegraph article of Alec Russel
wrote " Keen to justify their sponsorship of him as their regional proxy,
western Allies have been heard to whisper the unthinkable and suggest that
his 'enlightened dictatorship' works." It is the military alliance between
United States imperialism on the one hand and Museveni and Paul Kagami
another military pupil of the USA that has led to the wars and the bloodbath
in the lakes region.
When I confronted Museveni in a phone in programme on BBC World Service on
20 September 1998, I told him that he was an agent of United States
Imperialism. He denied this. Now they openly boast that he is their regional
proxy. He also denied that there was any truth in the claim that "Ugandan
troops were helping rebels to unseat President Laurent Kabila. It
subsequently turned out that his denial was a lie meant to hoodwink people.
Around the same time, A French journalist pointed out that the so-called
rebels had no independent existence outside the governments of Uganda and
Rwanda. After Ugandan and Rwandan troops clashed in 1999 over which one of
them would determine who is the leader of the rebels, the United States sent
a member of their National Security Council to tell them that they must have
two rebel movements and two rebel leaders to take part in peace
negotiations. Museveni and Kagami were competing as to which one of them
would make a better proxy of United States imperialism. But their attempt to
build an African empire based on ethnicity as proxies of U.S. imperialism
has been defeated militarily by the Pan African military alliance of Angola,
Congo, Namibia and Zimbabwe. This must be a harbinger of future
anti-imperialist Pan African unity to defeat the forces of imperialism, the
World Bank the IMF and the International Charities.
It must be noted here that in the BBC World Service broadcast of 28 February
1997 referred to earlier, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Anan, civil
servant of United States imperialism said that the UN must "Assemble an
International Intervention Force for Eastern Zaire (the Democratic Republic
of Congo)......a humanitarian peace keeping force with the agreement of the
parties to the conflict." He never called for the unconditional withdrawal
of the Ugandan and Rwandan forces that had invaded the DRC in breach of the
charter of the O.A.U.. So all the Eeuro clones and colonials were working
together to instal a puppet government in the DRC which would allow United
States imperialism to rape and plunder the vast natural mineral wealth of
the DRC instead of this wealth being used for the benefit of Africans.
The coming Pan African Unuion must establish the principle of No foreign
troops on African soil. Look at what happened when there was such a force in
Somalia. Canadian soldiers killed four Somalis in there care. Belgian
soldiers held a Somali boy over a fire as if they were roasting a dead pig.
Italian troops tortured Somalis. The United States sent a bunch of
psycopathic killers armed with the most modern weapons and technology. But
they suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the forces of the Lion of
Somalia, General Mohamed Aideed. At the Pan African Congress held in Uganda
in 1994, General Aided called for the setting up of an African Parliament.
His speechi to that Congress is being suppressed by Museveni and his servant
Tajudeen Abdul Raheem.Global versus continental Pan Africanism
Brother Chinweizu of Nigeria, author of The West and the Rest of Us , is
against continental Pan Africanism. The founders of the Pan African movement
were against continental Pan Africanism. Kwame Nkrumah stood against
continental Pan Africanism. I am against continental Pan Africanism. So
Africa must be against continental Pan Africanism. The coming Pan African
Union must embrace Africa's children where ever they live on planet earth.
All countries which have a majority African population must be invited to
become part of the coming Pan African Union. This means that most of the
Caribbean Islands including Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti must be
invited to become part of the Pan African Union. In his speech at Liberty
Hall in New York in 1921, the Honourable Marcus Garvey advised us to set up
a United States of Africa on which the sun never set. This may not be
possible but there is no reason why states with a majority African descent
population should not be part of its Pan African Union.
The descendants of Africans who were taken as slaves to Arabia, Europe and
the Americas must be invited to return to their home in Africa. This means
that all African countries must have in their constitutions the right of
Africans in the Diaspora to return to their home in Africa. We held a United
Kingdom Pan African Congress in 1998 in celebration of the 111th birthday of
the Honourable Marcus Garvey. The principal resolution adopted called for
the right of Africans abroad to return to live, to work and to die in any
part of Africa that they choose. But Africans abroad will not return when
they look at the lamentable situation on the continent today. This is
demonstrated by a number of recent events.
Firstly, the Moslem elites in northern Nigeria, known as the Kaduna Mafia,
are killing their fellow Africans, under the guise of introducing Islamic
Sharia law. They are trying to destabilise Nigeria in an attempt to rescue
their declining power. Secondly, floods devastate Mozambique and millions
are stranded and made homeless. Crops are destroyed. People are in desperate
need. In this situation, what can Nigeria which aspires to lead Africa do
when it is beset with ethnic and religious conflict at the behest of the
Kaduna Mafia Islamic elite? Thirdly, once again, famine and death stalks
millions of Ethiopians because of drought.
Natural disasters occur from time to time. We had been warned about this
since ancient times. The story in the Holy Bible of the seven fat ears of
corn eaten by the seven thin swine teaches us that we must always be
prepared for disaster. That is how the Pharaoh's dream was interpreted by
Imhotep and later retold as the story of Joseph. If we learn this lesson
well, the coming Pan African Union must be prepared for any and all kinds of
disasters which we will then be able to deal with ourselves. So plans must
be laid now to deal with any and every disaster when ever it occurs.
What is of particular concern in the Nigerian situation is that the northern
Moslems who sold their fellow Africans into slavery, who collaborated with
colonialism, also built the neo-colonial state in Nigeria. They are acting
as agents of US and British imperialism, fighting counter revolutionary wars
in Liberia and Sierra Leone on their behalf. They have raped and plundered
Nigeria's wealth as accomplices of foreign imperialism, oppressing their
fellow Moslems in the process, They gave us the military bandits Ibrahim
Babangida and Sani Abacha. Their are others of the same hue in other African
countries. It is about time that such people were swept away by the onward
march of our history. A united, democratic, egalitarian, socialist Pan
African Union will sweep the collaborators of foreign imperialism into the
dustbin of history. They have kept their fellow Moslems in Northern Nigeria
in poverty, illiterate and hungry. The Federal Bureau of Statistics has
shown that literary rates in Yobe, Jigawa and Kebi states in the North
average13.3 per cent while in non-Moslem areas like Delta, Lagos, Abia,
Rivers and Ondo states, the average literary rate is 77.41 per cent.

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Open Letter to the African People of the World

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